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Reason for treatment: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

"My name is Delia and I have been a frequent visitor to the salt clinic for 6 years as I was diagnosed with COPD in 2018."


I was aware of the Salt Clinic as my husband had been (and still is) a regular visitor due to suffering with sinusitis since early childhood, with positive results from the treatment. No more nasal sprays or pain killers for him.


I have treatment at the clinic in addition to any medication prescribed by my doctor. I initially made two weekly visits then reduced to once a week. I can tell if I miss a session due to holidays etc. I have spoken to medical professionals at my surgery who were not aware of this treatment and how effective it is. 


During a session I relax in a lounger, reading as I listen to the swirling of the sea in the background. It’s a nice atmosphere, the room is dimly lit, walls are covered in salt and the floor is a like a beach of salt. The air is charged with salt which makes the intake very natural and easy. 


As well as having weekly sessions I also have a salt lamp on, in my lounge of an evening and I use a salt pipe daily, both of which are a benefit to me.


Linh and Chris who are the managers of the clinic are the nicest people you could wish to meet, and both are very helpful." Delia H.

Reason for treatment: Asthma

"I suffer from asthma and ever since I was young if I caught a cold, it would always affect my chest.

In 2002 I stayed in a hotel with a steam room, then I found out the steam being expelled was salt water! It made my lungs feel so wonderful and my breathing improved.

After experiencing the salty steam, I researched for something similar in Yorkshire, but unfortunately at that time there was nothing in Yorkshire or the north of England.

My first visit to the Salt Clinic in Milton Keynes was in 2004, which later became Salt Clinic MK. I had read an article about salt therapy and salt rooms having a similar effect as the salty stream I had experienced, so decided to visit the salt cave in Old Stratford for a free trial.

The experience was wonderful, and I felt much better. After speaking with Chris and Linh, I purchased 30 sessions package. This made it feasible for me to book 4 sessions for each visit, as I would have two sessions the day I arrive and stay overnight at the travel lodge close by, then another two sessions the next morning before the drive home. I’ve been doing this for 9 years and I’ve just bought another block of sessions.

The salt therapy has worked wonders for me and helped 100 %. I would just like to thank Chris and Linh for all their help over the years and just wish the Salt Clinic was on my doorstep." Darren H.

Reason for treatment: Hay Fever

"I have suffered from hay fever since childhood. My symptoms can sometimes be so severe that antihistamines don’t help, and I have resorted to staying indoors, missing out on summer day trips.

I came across the salt clinic at a networking event and learnt that halotherapy could be used to alleviate hay fever symptoms. Although skeptical at first, I gave it a try along with my son, who had also started showing symptoms.  


We have been coming here for years now and mine and my son’s symptoms have been dramatically reduced. Sometimes I don’t realise the hay fever season has started until I hear others complaining and I haven’t missed one summer's day out since coming here. I’m thankful I found the salt clinic and wish I knew about it sooner.” Helen J.

Reason for treatment: Viral Induced Wheeze

“We started salt therapy for Lily when she was 3 years old because every time she had a cough she would need antibiotics and it would take a long time to clear. 

For over a year every time she caught a cold and the coughing started, I would book her in for treatment. 

I noticed from the start the salt helped prevent her cough from worsening and would clear up quicker without needing antibiotics.  
When she was 6 years old, she was tested for asthma and thankfully was given the all clear.

Boe started having salt therapy from 2 years old as he started having colds that went to his chest, making him cough and wheeze. 

The doctors later diagnosed this as a viral induced wheeze. Before trying salt therapy Boe was admitted to the hospital at least once a month and staying from 1 to 5 nights, this happened for about 5 months. 

He’s 3 years old now, we still visit Salt Clinic MK at the first sign of a cold to prevent him getting worst and being hospitalised.” says mum Jane T.

Reason for treatment: Long Covid

“I have been a medical herbalist for 42 years and have treated more than 40,000 patients in that time, but my career came to an abrupt halt when I caught the Delta variety of Covid 19 in November ’21. It hit my nervous system, my gut and most particularly my lungs. I hauled myself through that quite quickly but by January ’22 begin to recognise my fatigue levels were not improving so stopped consulting altogether as I catapulted into a downward slope of Long Covid. It is not misnamed as it has taken nearly two years to make a good recovery. 

It was then I really began to focus on my attendance twice weekly to Salt Clinic MK with absolute determination, as hitherto, being prone to bronchitis most winters my attendance had been peripatetic. I recognised I had to be determinedly disciplined to achieve sound results as my GP was insisting, I had asthma and had given me a prescription for a steroid inhaler. As a medically trained professional I knew asthma covers a wide variety of symptoms and as a result such a diagnosis can be vague. Moreover, I understood just what damage steroids can do in the long term to the body. 


My regular attendance really paid off as the other day I bounced into the reception area of the clinic rejoicing that this had been the first winter for many years when I had avoided a bronchitis attack for the whole year and my use of the prescribed steroid inhaler was minimal. Obviously, my lungs were healing. Result! It helped that I gave up all dairy products and wheat. Anyone who has had a tonsillectomy before the age of 6 will definitely be allergic to dairy. Mine were removed age three. 

At the beginning of my Long Covid I could barely walk 100 yards without needing to sit down. Before the pandemic hit, I was swimming 5/6 times weekly and doing two yoga classes weekly. Having not been capable of any exercise for 2 years now I am able walk on the flat at a reasonable pace without rest as my lungs are so improved, enabling me to make better use of my oxygen intake, which, in turn has vastly improved my energy levels.” Kitty C.

Reason for treatment: Eczema

"It’s great to have finally found a treatment that has helped our son with his eczema. Our advice to parents with children suffering from eczema is to try salt therapy and not to give up too soon.


In our experience we have had highs and lows as Maani is still teething, but overall we have seen continuous improvement.


We can’t recommend The Salt Cave enough and owners Linh & Chris are lovely people. Maani  gets really excited when we get to the salt cave and chats away to them before going into play with the toys in the children’s cave while having his treatment.’ Maani's mum, Rayhana H.

Reason for treatment: Asthma

"My name is Luca and I am 14 years old. 

I have been attending the Salt Clinic in Milton Keynes for over a year and I highly recommend it. I am asthmatic and used to frequently need antibiotics for chest infections before my Mum heard about the benefits of salt therapy. I can happily say that next month marks 14 months of no antibiotics! I do still use inhalers for sports and use a daily prevention inhaler but not having awful chest infections that could go on for several weeks is a huge benefit. 

I also had a skin condition which I suffered very badly with and that has totally cleared up too. 

You could say that it's changed my life for the better and it honestly has. I also sleep much better too! 

Salt therapy is a way of life for me, I look forward to coming and relaxing for an hour. Chris and Linh people who run the place are really lovely and welcoming too." Luca A.

Reason for treatment: COPD

"I would have no hesitation in highly recommending Salt Clinic MK for anybody with respiratory problems as it has been an enormous benefit to me since I started visiting them in November 2018.

I suffered for many years with breathing problems and had a constant cough which no amount of the prescribed medication I was taking or the inhalers I used for my COPD could alleviate. One day a friend recommended Salt Clinic MK to me and on the basis that there was nothing to lose, as they offered a free trial visit, I decided to give it a try. After my first visit I noticed a difference and the more I went the more my cough improved until it became virtually non existent.


Then the pandemic came and along with everything else the clinic had to close and after a while my cough returned and became very noticeable again to others as well as being uncomfortable for myself. This proved to me that the elimination of the cough was, as I had thought, totally down to my visit to the clinic and I could not wait for them to be allowed to re-open. 

As soon as the clinic could again offer their services, and I was released from shielding from Covid-19 which I had to do for nearly a year because of my respiratory problems, I began my visits again and as before my cough is decreasing with every visit. It is interesting to read from the information contained on their website how the treatment was discovered, and the benefits it can offer, but now I can indeed recommend from my own experience how beneficial visiting the clinic can be and, as I have has said previously, I have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending the clinic to others.

Personally I now regard my Salt Clinic visits as an integral part of the treatment I receive to improve my overall quality of life as a long time sufferer of COPD." Dave D.

Reason for treatment: Sinusitis

"Wow - what a find! I’ve known about this place for years but never thought I needed it til I unexpectedly got hay fever this year and couldn’t breathe out of one side of my nose at all. One visit to the salt cave and my nose began to clear, and I had my best night’s sleep for weeks. Three more hours there (three for £50!) and my congestion had completely cleared!!! After each session, my symptoms got progressively better, and I was able to sleep much better at night.

The salt clinic is clean, friendly, comfortable, and relaxing. It is extremely good value; with various deals and packages you can choose and is just unbelievably effective. I would highly recommend giving it a go! You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain." Helen L.

Reason for treatment: Eczema

"My name is Eloise and I'm 31. I first started using the Salt Clinic MK back in 2019 after my mum found the website online when she was searching for new treatments to try. I have suffered from eczema since I was very young but it got very bad after falling pregnant with my son in 2016 and it didn't seem to go away. Not only was it all over my body but also my face too. It was very embarrassing and stopped me from wanting to go out and see people but most of all it can be so painful and the constant scratching was really getting me down. I also noticed my skin was getting damaged. I had tried many different creams and therapies but didn't feel anything was really working. I decided to give the Salt Clinic a go and I loved the fact that I got a free trial session to test it out first before committing to it.

Straight away I loved the Clinic itself, it was easy to find and upon entering it felt very relaxed and calm. I got such a friendly and warm welcome from Linh who owns it and nothing seemed to be a problem. I thought I would be embarrassed as the recommendation when you have skin issues is to wear a t-shirt and shorts/skirt to expose as much skin as possible to the salt. Linh however made me feel at home and put my worries at bay.


The salt room was lovely and very relaxing. The chairs were really comfortable and I felt at ease inside. Once your session is ready to start the lights are dimmed and the salt is pumped through. It was very relaxing and made me tired and definitely helped with my anxiety. I could have slept in there for hours! I knew afterwards that this was something I wanted to carry on with even if it was just for relaxation purposes as anything that helps with anxiety is great for eczema.


It was too early to tell if it worked after one session but I decided to carry on. I managed to get a deal and bought many sessions in bulk for a discounted price. I am so glad I did as I carried on attending weekly and within a couple of weeks I noticed a significant difference to my skin. Patches of eczema that had been there pretty much for years were starting to clear up. My face was starting to look like the old me again. I also noticed an improvement in my asthma, hay fever and sinus issues I had as it also works well for that.

Unfortunately once that the lockdown happened and the clinic had to close I was upset to have my sessions postponed and my skin started to get bad again, it didn't help either with all the stress we were all under during the lockdowns. I compared photos of myself from when I was using the Salt Therapy to when I wasn't attending and there was a huge difference with my skin, I could definitely tell that I wasn't going any more. Luckily once it opened again I was able to carry on with my appointments and only after a week or so of attending once a week I could definitely notice the difference. I felt confident again and I was no longer in so much pain physically and mentally. Everything felt more positive again.

My son who is 3 has started going too as he also has eczema and the children's room they have is brilliant. It has a TV and lots of books and toys to keep him occupied, he actually gets excited about going! I have seen a massive improvement in his skin also and it helps when he seems to be getting a cold, removing all the toxins and congestion. I have noticed his sleep is better after the sessions too.

All in all I would recommend the Salt Clinic to anyone suffering with skin issues as I can 100% say it works. We live in Northamptonshire and was initially worried about having to do this journey every week but it is so worth it, even if I had to travel for 3 hours I would as it's the only thing that has worked for me long term. I think if you have skin issues, lung problems, issues with your sinuses, allergies, insomnia and anxiety then definitely give this place a try. Even if you don't have ailments, this therapy is a brilliant way to improve your immune system and strengthen it, my partner who is healthy has started coming purely to improve his immune system for the future. So this is something that can work for everyone, definitely give it a try!" Eloise W.

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